Friday, March 28, 2014

Supermarket Meltdown

The Simple Guide to TANTRUM Prevention 

while Shopping with Your Child 

Contrary to a popular belief that all children are born angels (who in their right mind would come up with that?
Have you ever been in a room full of toddlers? One might think he had slipped into an evil pit of selfish opportunistic egomaniacs. “Mine!! MINE!!!”, not my definition of angelic…nuf said) the Bible teaches we are ALL born in SIN. We all have need of redemption, and your precious little angel is no exception. 

10 More Things, Episode 4

and continues...

31. You will wish for the snow day more than your child. And then, when it happens you will wonder why you ever wished for it in the first place. 
32. Cable television is something to avoid at all costs. Commercials are not something you want to welcome into your home. 
33. You will be ashamed of yourself on a daily basis. And proud of yourself just as much. 
34. Cooking dinner will be one of the hardest jobs. Do I really have to make vegetables with every meal? 
35. Anything can be broken. Anything. 
36. Legos are the most awesome thing ever made and the worst thing ever made. 
37. Kids have really good ears. 
38. Everything in your home has the capacity to be sticky. 
39. Don't ever say "Would you just act your age?!" Because they are.  And that's the problem. 
40. Act as if it's time to go 15 minutes before it's time to go. Always. Or you will always be late. Everywhere.