PART 2: A Mama is a Mama, no Matter How Long
Understanding Your Role as the Parent of a Teen
Teenagers in the house? I am so tempted right now to say, "Good luck with that!" and be done with this blog. Most parents of teens, given the option, would simply click the heels of their ruby slippers together while chanting "there's no place like Rome, there's no place like Rome." But lets be honest and square off, toe to toe, with this challenge. YOU can parent successfully throughout your child's teenage years. YES, it can be done. It may not feel like successful parenting while you are doing it, but mark God's words: "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 NKJV
Remember the rules you set in place through the 'TWEEN' stage? (Didn't know about the rules? You can read about it here.) Well, you still need some rules in place, but in the state of TEEN-dom the rules become somewhat, even. Although the rules still exist, they now morph and bend to wrap themselves around the complex nuances of the teen brain. Much like those stretchy elastic bands that used to be your apron strings.